Wednesday, September 11, 2013


If you like chocolate, you'll love these little chocolate delights. They're not hard to make and always receive a standing ovation. Be sure to use bittersweet, not unsweetened, chocolate.

makes 24 truffles
1/2 C heavy cream
14-oz bittersweet chocolate, the best quality you can find
1/2 C raspberry jam, strained to remove the seeds
confectioners' sugar, as necessary
1/2 C sugar
1. In a heavy saucepan, bring the cream to a boil over high heat. Remove the pan from the heat, add 8-oz of the chocolate, broken into bits and stir until the chocolate is melted. Stir in the jam and chill, covered, for 1 hour or until firm.
2. Form the mixture into balls the size of walnuts, coating hands with confectioners' sugar as necessary to prevent sticking. (You can use a melon baller or small ice cream scoop to do this.)
3. On a baking sheet lined with wax paper, chill the truffles for an hour or until firm.
4. In a small, heavy saucepan, melt the remaining 6-ounces of chocolate over low heat, stirring until smooth. Be very careful not to burn the chocolate. Remove the pan from the heat, coat the truffles carefully with a thin layer of melted chocolate and roll them in the sugar.
5. Put the truffles in candy papers, if desired, and chill for at least an hour, or until coating is set. Truffles keep, chilled, for up to one week.

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