Monday, July 1, 2013


This is an old Cooper Family recipe, easy to make and a good way to use left-over corn on the cob. Start by slicing the cold corn off the cob into a shallow bowl. (If you have a Bundt pan, place the corn cob end on the hole in the center and slice down. The kernels will fall into the pan.) Use the back of the knife to scrape the corn milk off the cob, letting the juice/milk gather in the bowl. This has lots of flavor and while you don't get much, what you do get will add to the corn flavor of the dish. Chop some onion (to taste, as they say) and saute in butter in a heavy, or non-stick, skillet over medium heat until transparent. Add the corn and some light cream (to satisfy taste and consistency) and heat thoroughly but lightly, stirring constantly for only a few minutes. If you cook it too long, the corn will be tough. If you want to be festive, you can add some chopped pimentos for color and taste. That simple. Serve.

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