Thursday, June 27, 2013


In view of our triumphs of yesterday, I suppose I should post a grand recipe for a wedding cake. But knowing that none of you will make one - and I sure haven't - I'll do the next best thing and post a recipe for a celebration drink, a Champagne Cocktail. This requires a champagne flute and if you don't have one, rush out and buy a couple of cheap ones at Crate and Barrel. Or if you want to spring for grand, Tiffany sells two in a lovely box, something I usually give for a wedding gift. You can use them every year to celebrate on the anniversary of this day (or yesterday) and again on your own anniversary.

This really is the most elegant cocktail there is. Naturally, it's best made with top-quality Champagne but it also contains bitters and sugar, which help to hide - or complicate - the taste of Champagne that's not the best. While there are several types of bitters, I recommend Angostura, a concentrated mix of alcohol, herbs and spices, which packs a powerful flavor. It is essential here.

for each serving

1 small square of sugar cube, like the kind for coffee, but not the rectangular one
tiny dash of bitters
3-4 ounces of chilled Champagne

1. Place the sugar in the bottom of a champagne flute (not the birdbath kind)

2. Add the bitters.

3. Fill with chilled Champagne and serve

4. Pretend you're Cary Grant or, if you prefer, Deborah Kerr, in that soapy movie on board one of the Queens, going to see your grandmother in Europe and celebrate our day, or your own.

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